Friday, September 9, 2011


I was reading a post on Engadget yesterday about Iris scanners being developed for use in airports. I thought it sounded like a great idea. However I scrolled down to read the comments (which I usually do not do) and found that 9 out of 10 people were complaining about how it would be an invasion of their privacy. I found issue with this and it got me thinking.

Privacy is not guaranteed to us anywhere. Honestly I do not see why there is such a fear of someone knowing who we are. The problem I found with the posts though was more fundmental. They were complaining because the Government would know who we are. Now I was brought up in a house were we respected the government. I do not fear them and I do not think that they are out to screw me over.

So I posted on the comments about this, saying that I personally have nothing to hide from anyone, and I doubt that most people do. I live my life inside the law for the most part (okay, I do speed sometimes by a little, but so does everyone). The response I got was amazing.

Mostly there were a couple short responses that were funny talking about facebook and such, but there was one that attacked my comment. I felt he would make a worthy opponent so I did what I so enjoy doing and I answered his answer.

He pointed out that If I have nothing to hide that I should give him my account and routing numbers for my bank account, he would keep them safe, He told me that that government is not there to protect us but rather to stifle bad behavior, and that the TSA has a decidedly reactive mindset. I told me that he gives out nothing willingly and actively guards all of his information.

This doesn't seem to be a one off mindset in america. The scary part here is that there are fundmental flaws in this thinking. He told me that the government was not accountable for its own actions and that we were basically powerless against it. This mindset is what makes us powerless. Until we begin to hold the government accountable for its own actions, until we remember that we are the source of their power in the first place, we will continue to be at their whim.

The other part of his argument that really bothered me was when he said that the government does not protect us, they control us. He said that they are there to regulate behavior and provide a consequence for incorrect behavior. He then said that his greatest fear was that I vote.

Now correct me if I am wrong, but by providing consequences for incorrect actions and behaviors, you are protecting those with correct behaviors. By stopping the man from shooting someone you are protecting them. The government is there to provide order for society, part of providing that order is to protect them from each other.

I know this post is very different from my past griping about life and relationships, but this really bothered me. There are grown adults out there who truly think that the government is not accountable for its actions and that we should fear it. That is how America came into being in the first place, fear of an oppressive government. If it truly has become such a horrible system why do we not all rise up against it and start over?? Oh, because thats too much work right? Must not be that bad yet then.

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